Windows command cheat sheet
1. Basic Navigation
Displays the current directory path. -
Lists all files and directories in the current directory. -
cd [directory]
Changes the directory to the specified one.
Example:cd Documents
cd ..
Moves up one directory level. -
cd \
Changes to the root directory of the current drive. -
cd /d [drive_letter]:\[directory]
Changes to a different drive and directory.
Example:cd /d D:\Projects
2. File Management
type [filename]
Displays the contents of a file.
Example:type index.html
copy [source] [destination]
Copies a file to a new location.
Example:copy index.html backup_index.html
move [source] [destination]
Moves or renames a file or directory.
Example:move index.html new_index.html
del [filename]
Deletes a file.
Example:del index.html
rmdir [directory_name]
Deletes a directory (only if it's empty).
Example:rmdir my_project
rmdir /s [directory_name]
Deletes a directory and all its contents.
Example:rmdir /s my_project
mkdir [directory_name]
Creates a new directory.
Example:mkdir my_project
3. Viewing and Editing Files
notepad [filename]
Opens a file in Notepad for editing.
Example:notepad index.html
more [filename]
Displays the contents of a file one screen at a time.
Example:more index.html
4. Search and Find
find "[text]" [filename]
Searches for a specific term within a file.
Example:find "title" index.html
dir [directory] /s /p
Searches for files and directories, showing results page by page.
Example:dir *.html /s /p
5. Permissions
attrib +r [filename]
Sets a file as read-only.
Example:attrib +r index.html
attrib -r [filename]
Removes the read-only attribute from a file.
Example:attrib -r index.html
6. Networking
ping [hostname]
Checks the network connection to a server.
Displays your current network configuration. -
tracert [hostname]
Traces the path packets take to reach a network host.
7. Version Control (Git)
git clone [repository_url]
Clones a remote Git repository to your local machine.
Example:git clone
git status
Shows the current status of your Git repository. -
git add [filename]
Adds a file to the staging area.
Example:git add index.html
git commit -m "[message]"
Commits the staged files with a message.
Example:git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push
Pushes your commits to the remote repository.
8. Miscellaneous
Clears the terminal screen. -
Closes the terminal session. -
echo [text]
Displays a line of text.
Example:echo Hello, World!
Displays a list of recently used commands (if Command Prompt was launched with history enabled).